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What Security Service Professionals Monitor When on Patrol

What Security Service Professionals Monitor When on Patrol

What Security Service Professionals Monitor When on Patrol

Security service professionals, such as fire watch and patrol officers, monitor the premises of buildings to ensure that the building is secure. This article will go over what they do, interesting tidbits about their profession, and tips for doing it yourself!

Security Patrol Checklist

As a security service professional, it is important to monitor many different aspects while on patrol. This can help to ensure the safety of those in the area, as well as deter crime. Here is a checklist of some of the things that should be monitored while on patrol:

  • The perimeter of the property: Checking for any signs of forced entry or damage that could allow access to the premises.
  • The building itself: Making sure all doors and windows are secure and looking for any suspicious activity inside.
  • The grounds: Checking for anything out of the ordinary, such as discarded items or people loitering.
  • The surroundings: Keeping an eye out for anything unusual happening in the area, such as a fight or someone acting suspiciously.


By keeping an eye on all of these different aspects, security professionals can help to keep everyone safe and make their rounds more effective.

What is a Vacant Property Check?

When security service professionals are on patrol, they are looking for any signs of criminal activity. One of the things they will look for is a vacant property. A vacant property is defined as a property that is not occupied by anyone. This can be a home, business, or any other type of building. Security professionals will often times do a check of the perimeter to see if there are any signs of forced entry. They may also check to see if there are any lights on inside the property.

Perimeter Check

When security guards are on patrol, they are constantly on the lookout for anything that could pose a threat to the safety of the people and property they are responsible for protecting. One of the most important things they keep an eye out for is any suspicious activity around the perimeter of the premises they are guarding.

They will pay close attention to any people loitering near the perimeter, looking for signs that they may be casing the place or preparing to break in. They will also be on the lookout for any suspicious vehicles parked near the perimeter, as well as any signs of forced entry or damage to fencing or gates.

In addition to keeping an eye out for physical threats, security guards also need to be alert for anything that could indicate a fire hazard. They will keep an eye out for any smoke or flames, as well as any unusual smells that could indicate a fire. They will also listen out for any alarms that may have been triggered.

If you are hiring security guards for your business premises, it is important to make sure that they are fully trained in all of these aspects of perimeter security so that they can keep your property and everyone on it safe from harm.

Alarm Response

Alarm response is one of the most important duties of a security service professional. When an alarm is triggered, it is the security officer’s responsibility to respond immediately and take the appropriate action. Depending on the type of alarm, this may include contacting the police or fire department, investigating the cause of the alarm, or taking steps to secure the premises. In any case, the security officer must remain calm and take quick, decisive action to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Door Checks

As a security service professional, one of the things you will be responsible for is checking doors to make sure they are secure. This includes making sure that all doors are locked and that any windows in the door are not broken. You will also want to check for any signs of forced entry, such as damage to the door frame or lock. If you find any signs of forced entry, you will need to report this to your supervisor immediately.

Parking Lot Checks

When security service professionals are on patrol, they keep an eye out for potential hazards in the parking lot. They look for things like potholes, ice, and debris that could cause accidents. They also check for suspicious activity and make sure that all vehicles are properly parked. Additionally, they may assist stranded motorists or help with disabled vehicles.

Lone Worker Checks

When security service professionals are on patrol, they are constantly monitoring their surroundings for any potential threats. One of the most important things they keep an eye out for is lone workers.

Lone workers are defined as employees who work by themselves without any direct supervision. They can be found in a variety of industries, from retail to healthcare. And while working alone has its perks (no distractions, more independence, etc.), it also comes with some risks.

That’s why it’s important for security professionals to check in on lone workers during their rounds periodically. This could involve simply asking them how their day is going or checking to see if they need any assistance. By keeping a close eye on lone workers, security professionals can help prevent accidents and incidents from occurring.

Facility Opening & Closing

When it comes to security, one of the most important things that security service professionals monitor is the opening and closing of facilities. This is because these are the times when most people are coming and going. And when there is the potential for theft or other crimes to occur. By keeping an eye on the doors and windows, security guards can help to deter criminals and keep everyone safe.

Why You Should Hire a Security Service Professional

Security service professionals, like Armada Patrol, play an important role in keeping our communities safe. When on patrol, they monitor a variety of factors to ensure that everyone remains safe. This includes watching for suspicious activity, monitoring traffic, and keeping an eye out for potential hazards. By paying attention to these factors, security service professionals help to keep us all safe.


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